Father's Day to Fredericksburg

Co-owner Jay flew with me to Fredericksburg (Gillespie County T82) for some in-flight tutoring and a well-earned free lunch at the Airport Diner. I did several touch-n-go's at T82 and then again in Lockhart, Texas where we re-fueled for $5.15/gallon for 100LL gasoline. Then it was up and away back to Austin (KAUS) where we landed on a shortened runway 17L. The photos shown here are the Hangar Hotel...a nice posh little on-airport hotel at T82 and also an in-flight photo showing how nice the air was....above us. It was an easy flight because th
e GPSS auto-pilot took us there and back. Altitude-hold option kept our cruise altitude constant while the GPS steered the airplane directly towards our destination aiports. If you haven't tried an auto-pilot you should! (click to enlarge photos)